From October through to the end of December this year, the Ministry of Labour will be conducting inspection blitzes on musculoskeletal disorders and respiratory hazards in the Construction, Health Care, Industrial and Mining sectors.
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the top workplace injury in Ontario and account for approximately one-third of all WSIB claims. MSDs include a number of injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system, including the muscles, tendons, nerves, joints and spinal discs. MSDs can occur suddenly or develop gradually.
Employers have legal obligations to protect workers from hazards due to poor ergonomics. MOL inspectors will be checking that Ontario workplaces have provided safe material handling training to workers, and that workers are indeed manually moving and manipulating material in a safe manner.
Respiratory hazards include gases, dusts, vapours and fumes that if breathed in can make a worker ill. It is estimated that exposure to asbestos, diesel engine exhaust, crystalline silica and welding fumes cause approximately 1,300 cancer cases a year in Ontario.
Employers must take every reasonable precaution to reduce workers’ exposure to respiratory hazards. MOL inspectors will be checking that proper respiratory controls and practices are in place, including training on the use of respirators.
Ensure your workers are aware of these possible hazards and trained in how to properly deal with them.